About the online program

Do you have trouble decluttering on your own?

Space and Time clients tell me they have too much stuff and they don’t know where to start and find it too hard to declutter on their own so I developed a this S.Y.S.T.E.M © to provide a process to follow to keep the momentum moving forward and away from the overwhelm associated with having too much stuff.

Life with clutter is overwhelming

My clients tell me about their cluttered lives They say life can feel overwhelming, it’s time consuming looking for things, it’s exhausting being overwhelmed. It costs extra money re-buying things and life is stressful. It plays on their mind and the feeling of overwhelm seems to follow them out the door no matter where they go.

6 Steps to Declutter Your Life

My clients say that once they are more organised, life is fun, exciting and liberating, They feel in control, less stressed and they have more energy. They have more time to spend on what’s important to them, and for the first time in years they have a clear head. Imagine that feeling. Imagine having time to do WHATEVER YOU WANT instead of wrangling with your stuff! What do you think? Want to join me? Follow the below link to book in today.

Program outline

The program follows the 6 steps of the Space and Time SYSTEM (and my system is quite literally a system: S-Y-S-T-E-M) with 1 video for each step to be followed in sequence (see the below course curriculum). The SYSTEM is full of tips to combat the challenges my clients struggle with every day, including stopping the stuff from coming in the front door, letting go of items and techniques to make being organised a part of your everyday life. The workbook and Step-By-Step Plan will allow you to create your own decluttering plan as you watch each of the videos.

Who's the program for

If you have too much stuff, can never find your keys, find it hard to deal with paperwork and find it difficult to let go of things and it’s holding you back from doing the stuff you want to do, then this program is perfect for you. Follow the below links for details and booking instructions.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the course!
    • A message from your instructor, Julie Cliff
    • How to use this course
  • 2
    Let's get started!
    • Download the Handbook...
    • Download the Step-By-Step Plan
    • 1. Stuff - where does it all come from?
    • 2. You - get committed to being organised
    • 3. Sort - put like items together
    • 4. Things you no longer need - decluttering
    • 5. Easy Storage - create permanent homes for your things
    • 6. Maintenance - keep it up!
  • 3
    Next Steps...
    • Congrats! Here's what's next...
    • More resources for you
    • Before you go...


  • Julie Cliff

    Owner & Professional Organiser

    Julie Cliff

    Julie Cliff is a Professional Organiser at Space and Time which helps busy working mothers live easier, far less stressful lives through simple, easy to implement organising systems to clear the clutter - both mentally and physically.